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Advanced Trail Skills

**This course runs for 2x Sunday mornings from 9:30am - 12:30pm in Elkwater, AB.**

You can ride all the trails and are looking to increase your speed, confidence, and style. Perhaps you want to maintain better traction in the steeps, learn to pop off jumps or rail through corners. This course is intended for strong riders who are ready to try new things on the trail. Participants must have experience doing jumps & drops and be comfortable with front and rear wheel lifts. 

Skills we’ll practice:

- Descending steeper terrain

- Advanced braking

- Increasing speed and traction in corners

- Bunnyhops, manuals, & wheelies

- Airtime style & pop

Ratio: 6 riders per instructor

Minimum recommended fitness levels (see Fitness & Skills Ratings page HERE)

Skill - 4 to 5

Fitness - 3

Medicine Hat Dates Available

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